As was mentioned on the main page, we are not handing you a policy for you to adopt. On this page, we are sharing suggestions that may be helpful for your camp or conference center as you consider your response to the Coronavirus. Some of our suggestions may seem extreme and others may already be a part of your everyday operations (especially if your site is ACA accredited). We just ask that you go through this list and consider what might be best for your ministry. We feel that a camp or conference center with a plan to keep their participants safe will be the one that will receive the most registrations (and fewer cancellations).
- replace hugs/handshakes with a special, fun camp greeting
- use games/large group activities that do not involve close human contact
- replace your regular low ropes activities with those that don’t involve close human contact (like A-Frame)
- dining tables are set by the kitchen staff or campers using gloves
- kitchen staff does a special cleaning of the dining room tables after every meal
- consider eating most of your meals outside (weather permitting) added 3/19
- hand sanitizer stations would be located at meals, at any activity area, and anywhere else campers are assembled (campers are to use them before and after the activity or meal)
- campers would wash their hands every time they arrive and leave their cabin
- special handwashing stations could be set up in other parts of camp
- arts and crafts projects would involve materials that would not need to be shared (if a tool like scissors are used by each participant, they could be put in a bucket and treated before the next group)
- program equipment like play balls, archery equipment, etc. would undergo a cleaning after each activity period
- set a cap on the number of campers who can play Gaga ball at one time
- if you offer an evening snack, split it up so that each camper group has their own place to get it (and not have everyone congregating in one spot)
- an alternative to having worship with everyone together is the use of prayer stations or focus on other spiritual practices (like labyrinths, silent hikes, etc.) with small groups
- perhaps we need to avoid serving communion at camp this summer
- health centers will need to have an examination area that is easily cleaned
- prop open (or remove) interior doors that don’t need to be used
- health screenings at the beginning of the camp session involve taking temperatures and asking about other symptoms (these screenings would take place in a separate space that is easy to clean)
- campers who show symptoms will not be allowed to stay at camp
- take temperatures of campers before breakfast each day (and possibly before dinner as well). Purchase a no touch electronic thermometer to make this a quick process (you could check their temperature while they are at the hand sanitizer station)
- campers with an elevated temperature will need a place to wait (and eat meals) in a separate location while their parents come to pick them up
- take temperatures of kitchen staff before every meal
- if a camper in a small group show symptoms, the parents of the entire group would be contacted to see if they want to take their camper home for observation
- the cabin of a symptomatic camper gets a special cleaning after the campers leave
- during the week, do a temperature screening on any visitor who will come within 10 feet of any campers (children and youth don't go to many places that have complete screening control over everyone they will come into contact - this is a definite strength for sending a child to summer camp)
- since most colleges and universities are closing for the school year, there is a better opportunity to interview staff while they are home (and to offer pre-camp training) added 3/19
- since study abroad opportunities have been cancelled and many businesses are laying off workers, there should be a larger pool of applicants for summer staff. Consider alternate ways to advertise your summer job openings. added 3/19
- sending resources regarding transmission prevention before the summer staff arrive
- is your staff on board with being in close proximity to infected campers? How will that expectation be communicated?
- have a medical professional come to staff training to teach how the staff can best protect themselves
- if you do any team building activities by Zoom before or as a part of your training, you could use these virtual team building activities by Michelle Cummings. added 3/25
- Camp Staff Recruitment and Hiring Ideas Amid Coronavirus Concerns (from ACA) added 3/26
Do you have any additional suggestions? Please share them with Joel Winchip and we will consider adding them to the list.