Register Now for the Compass Points class to be held in March
Click on the banner to learn more about the class that will be offered at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. Register today!
Please Complete the OMC Director Survey
Every other year, the Campfire Collective and our outdoor ministries partners survey camp and retreat center directors. We need your help. Please click on the logo to the left to complete the survey and continue this valuable research.
Join Us for OMC Great Gathering in November
This ecumenical conference will bring together outdoor ministry associations from across the United States and Canada on November 9-13. Please click on the image to learn more (and register).
The Outdoor Ministies Institute (relating to the camps of the United Church of Canada) is now officially a part of the Campfire Collective!
Join Us for the Zoom Call every Third Thursday
Gather with your fellow camp and conference leaders every third Thursday for a Zoom call at 11:00am EDT. Please click the logo to learn more about the topic for the next call.
Have You Checked Out the Website?
This website helps connect donors with our member sites. Visitors can find your ministry searching by region, denomination, or name. Click on the image to check out this special benefit for association members.
Our Search Engine Websites
When was the last time you updated your listings on the search engines websites? These websites help attract potential summer campers, summer staff, and retreat leaders, so use the login to your membership page to update your ministry's listings.
We Can't Do It Without You
The Campfire Collective is helping camp and retreat leaders like never before and we need your help to sustain this ministry. Please click on the picture and consider making a gift to the association.
The Latest News from the Campfire Collective-The January issue of the association’s Branches enewsletter is now available. It features the new OMC Director Survey, monthly giving, and the new Compass Points course in March. If you did not receive this in your email inbox, you can subscribe by going to the sign-up page.
A Zoom Gathering for our Camp and Conference Leaders is Held Every Third Thursday-Our monthly Zoom calls are held almost every third Thursday of the month at 11:00am EDT. These Zoom call with your fellow camp and conference leaders will cover a specific topic, as well as offer mutual support. We hope you will be a part of this conversation. You can join us for the Zoom call listed below at The passcode is ZA7SUt. Our February Zoom call is scheduled for Thursday, February 20 at 11:00am Eastern Please join us to learn about the American Camp Association’s Character at Camp grant opportunity. This webinar will talk about the next steps in this initiative and grant process and how it might apply to you. ACA received from Lilly Endowment Inc. a significant grant, over $20 million of which will be regranted to camps. This initiative will be conducted over the next six years and will include peer learning opportunities, networking, training, and tools. Beginning in 2025, eligible nonprofit camps will have the opportunity to apply for grants to support their own character development programs. This Zoom call is an informational event and we hope you will attend. We hope you will join us for this time of fellowship and support among your fellow camp and conference leaders. If you have a topic suggestion for a future call, please contact Joel Winchip.
34 Discounts for Our 2024 Members!-As a part of the benefits you receive through membership, Campfire Collective offers 34 special discounts on different products and services related to camp and conference ministries. Utilizing one or more of these company discounts could save you more money than you pay in membership dues. If you are a current Campfire Collective member, you can log into the Membership System and access the discounts in the menu at the top of the page (it is there that you will see the actual discounts and the methods for accessing them). If you are not yet a member, you can join or renew at