Run River
The vision that drives Run River is the conviction that we cannot be the church God is calling us to be without the work of camp and retreat/conference center ministries. These ministries uniquely hold in trust part of what it means to be the church. While the work of camp and conference/retreat center ministries is increasingly essential for the church and for the world, it is also increasingly complex and challenging work. It requires strategies that are focused, robust, creative, and faithful. All Run River projects are characterized by insightful data analysis and interpretation, processes grounded in prayer and Bible study, and project management frameworks for implementation. Plans developed in this way are both realistic and ambitious and enable an organization to achieve the goals it sets for itself. The consultants of Run River include persons from diverse professional backgrounds and extensive experience. As a team, they offer the services you need for the ministry to which God calls you.
Exhibitor Representatives

Pam Harris & Garrie Stevens

Gary Batty

Elise Bates Russell